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Fundraising for Valence

Did you know that we’re registered with easyfundraising and you could help us to raise funds for the school at no extra cost to yourself?

Since our fundraising events are on hold, this is a great opportunity to keep raising much-needed funds for the school. When you shop online, with over 4,100 of your favourite retailers, including, Amazon, eBay and Argos, you will raise FREE donations for Valence Primary School.

If you’re not already signed up, it only takes a few minutes, then you can begin using the easyfundraising website or app straightaway - simply shop online as normal. This will be an enormous help to the school, at no extra cost to yourself.

Visit our easyfundraising page to get started: Valence Easy Fund Raising page (link opens in new window)

Fundraising for Charity

Valence Primary School prides itself not only on academic success, but also on creating a school ethos with relationships and community at its heart. As part of this, we actively encourage our school community to get involved in fundraising activities for both local and international charities. Our children and staff lead the way in enthusing and encouraging others, creating a buzz and excitement that lasts throughout a range of events.

Positive role models have been one of the benefits to emerge from our fundraising efforts. Fundraising has helped children to develop in new and exciting ways. In terms of classroom learning fundraising is about raising awareness and understanding, as well as money. Children gain a better understanding of national and global organisations and their efforts to make the world a better place for all.

Our parents, carers, children, staff and wider community are particularly positive about this aspect of global citizenship and actively encourage everyone’s involvement.

Charities Supported by Valence are;

  • Comic Relief logo (link opens in new window)
  • Sport Relief logo (link opens in new window)
  • Jeans for Jeans logo (link opens in new window)
  • Macmillan logo (link opens in new window)
  • NSPCC logo (link opens in new window)
  • The British Legion logo (link opens in new window)

Children's Choice: Decided by Valence Children via the School Council 

Christmas Choice: Decided by the Staff

Contact Details

Valence Primary School is split over two sites; St. George's Road site and the Bonham Road site.

Tel: 020 3006 9888 (When prompted press 1 for St. George's or 2 for Bonham)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

St. George's Road site location

Valence Primary School
St. George's Road 

Bonham Road site location

Valence Primary School
Bonham Road

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Awards & Accreditations

  • UNICEF Rights Respecting School link (opens in new window)
  • School Games Award link (opens in new window)
  • Healthy School Award link (opens in new window)
  • Food hygiene rating link (opens in new window)
  • Eco Schools Award link (opens in new window)

Partners & Links

  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre link (opens in new window)
  • Sport Inspired link (opens in new window)
  • Barking and Dagenham Young Carers link (opens in new window)
  • Parent View Ofsted link (opens in new window)