Young Carers are children and young people under the age of 18, who help to look after or support a member of their family due to one or more of the following: Physical or learning disability, Mental illness, Physical illness, Drug and/or alcohol problems, Autism, Dementia or Long term illness/condition.
The person the Young Carer looks after might be their parent, a sibling, a grandparent or any other person living in the family home. The Young Carer may look after that person by themselves or could help someone else, they may not even have a physical caring role but offer emotional support to their loved one. Many young people don't even realise that they are a Young Carer.
If you feel that a young person in your family home is a Young Carer, please inform the school office or use the contact information below. This will enable us and Carers of Barking and Dagenham to offer support, advice and opportunities for Young Carers to take part in fun and exciting activities.
Website: (link opens in new window)
If you want to call before making a referral to ask any questions, please feel free to do so on: 0208 593 4422 and ask to speak to a member of the Young Carers Team.