Keep up to date with news from across both sites and upcoming events with our monthly newsletter.

Nursery places

We are registering for September 2024, and at both sites, we offer ALL-DAY provision (8.30am - 3.30pm) to a limited number of pupils. Enquire at the offices about places and procedures. Don’t miss out…….

Polite reminder

Pupils are asked not to play football or basketball, ride scooters or bikes, etc in the playgrounds before and after school, due to the number of parents and other children on site….

Rights Respecting School

We are progressing well to Silver with UNICEF's Rights Respecting Schools Award (RRSA).

At Valence, we are always striving to create the best possible learning environment for our children, and this achievement shows that we are committed to promoting and realising children’s rights and encouraging them to respect the rights of others in school. This month, we are focusing on Article 29 and our responsibility for the environment.

Home-school communication

If you have a message for the class teacher, please pass it via the member of staff on duty by the entrance doors or use ClassDojo. It is not always convenient for the teacher to talk at 8.45am as they are preparing the class and taking the register.


After the huge success of parent/carer singing lessons at the Bonham Road site, we are now in a position to offer five weeks of funded singing lessons for parents/carers at the St. George’s Road site, starting on Tuesday 23rd April from 1.55pm - 3.00pm. Sign up at the office.

Celebrating liberty & peace

On Wednesday 8 May, we will be sharing VE Day with the pupils. 8 May 1945 – Victory in Europe Day (VE DAY) – is an important day etched in British and European history. After nearly six years of war, Germany officially surrendered on 7 May 1945 and the WWII conflict was finally over.

The pupils are encouraged to wear red, white and blue to celebrate peace coming to Britain and Europe.

Year 6 KS2 test week

Across England, year 6 pupils will be taking national tests in:

  • English grammar, punctuation and spelling
  • English reading
  • Mathematics

These national tests will take place from Monday 13 May to Thursday 16 May. Teachers will also be assessing the pupils’ writing in the summer term.

The Roost

Nearly new school uniform is available at The Roost on both sites on the following days:

Bonham - Monday morning 9.00am - 9.30am
St. George’s - Tuesday afternoon 3.20pm - 3.55pm

Welcome to come and have a look and take what you need.

Why is attending school every day so important?

Let’s aim high – aim for 100% attendance. This gives children the best chance to succeed. The government research says that in order for pupils to make the best progress, they should be in school at least 96.5% attendance. Do you know your child’s attendance percentage? The class teacher can inform you.

Mr November

Mr November Headteacher


You can download our newsletter as a PDF below.

Contact Details

Valence Primary School is split over two sites; St. George's Road site and the Bonham Road site.

Tel: 020 3006 9888 (When prompted press 1 for St. George's or 2 for Bonham)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

St. George's Road site location

Valence Primary School
St. George's Road 

Bonham Road site location

Valence Primary School
Bonham Road

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Awards & Accreditations

  • UNICEF Rights Respecting School link (opens in new window)
  • School Games Award link (opens in new window)
  • Healthy School Award link (opens in new window)
  • Food hygiene rating link (opens in new window)
  • Eco Schools Award link (opens in new window)

Partners & Links

  • Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre link (opens in new window)
  • Sport Inspired link (opens in new window)
  • Barking and Dagenham Young Carers link (opens in new window)
  • Parent View Ofsted link (opens in new window)