Keep up to date with news from across both sites and upcoming events with our monthly newsletter.
1. Happy New Year
A warm welcome back to all our families. We trust you have had a good holiday and are all ready for the new term.
2. Senior Leadership Team
This is our current SLT with photos so that you can put the name to the face! As Valence is a split-site school with classes at Bonham Road and at St. George’s Road, the SLT have responsibilities at both sites.
3. Valence conduct
As members of the Valence community, we have high expectations about how we interact with each other. We expect a high level of respect, politeness and courtesy. This is relevant for staff, pupils and parents. Staff have a Code of Conduct they must follow; the pupils have a Behaviour Policy to adhere to; and the Governors have written a Parent Code of Conduct too.
4. Come and help us
If you would like to volunteer at school, please give your name to the offices. It may be that you can help in class with cooking, art, design or creative skills. Or, if you would like to hear pupils read, this is a great help to those children who need a little extra adult time. Grandparents welcome too!
5. Yes, please!
Not sure what to do with good quality school uniform that you no longer need? Well, we can use it. The Roosts on each site run sessions where parents can come and collect quality uniform. If you have spare fleeces or school jumpers, please bring them to the offices.
6. Why is attending school every day so important?
Let’s aim high – aim for 100% attendance. This gives children the best chance to succeed.
You can download our newsletter as a PDF below.